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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / 0991c54.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-03  |  120KB  |  597x442  |  8-bit (231 colors)
Labels: crt screen | laptop | monitor | plant | sky | window
OCR: THE Money SUPERIOR FUNDS FOR THE LONG HAUL %gln r lossto Aup 1991 Portfolio analysis STOCHS (ranked hy TE risk srade One OE years saler Telephene GROWTH AIM Weingarten Grm 452.6 0.6 80:-347-1919 Jamus Twenty 23.7 111.9 0.9 2,0 Nore 805-525. -8983 SoGen Internatioral Gr 386.2 3.75 800-334-2143 Nicholas SCG Nere 414.272 -6133 TOTAL BETURN Financfal lndpstrial Ineome E 21.7 106.3 455.7 870-525- United Inoome Eql 10.6 100.0 459.3 913-236- 303 Investnent Co.glAmeric GaI 15 13.9 88.8 357.3 7 800-221-0180 Phoenb Balanced Series 2.0 15.5 76.1 429.4 1.75 800-243-4361 OVERSEAS hyint ernational 8.11 118.9 Nn 800 235-3322 T.Rowe Price IaternatlenalStoch 87 170. Non: 800-541-0832 BONDS Iranked by five-ye ar return) TAKABLI FPA New Income USG 14.4 64.0 243.0 800-42 4372 MerrillL Lymch CorporabeHigh Inco ...